Under the Common Travel Area (CTA), Irish and British citizens move freely and reside in either jurisdiction and enjoy associated rights and entitlements including access to employment, healthcare, education, social benefits, and the right to vote in certain elections.

The Common Travel Area pre-dates Irish and UK membership of the EU and is not dependent on it.

Can I still travel freely to/from Ireland?

Yes. British citizens can continue to travel freely between the UK and Ireland in the same manner as before.

There are no requirements for passport controls in operation for Irish and British citizens traveling within the Common Travel Area i.e. between Ireland and the UK, and there will be no change to this as a result of Brexit.

However, as regular passengers would be aware, all air and sea carriers require some form of identification and some carriers regard a passport as the only valid identification.

For journeys on the island of Ireland, British and Irish citizens do not require any travel documents when crossing the land border.

Immigration authorities may also require you to have valid official photo-identification, which shows your nationality. Therefore, please check that your passport is valid and in date.

Non-EEA nationals should be in possession of a valid travel document and, if required, an Irish entry visa or transit visa for the State.